Approved Vestry Meeting Minutes

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Benicia

November 17@ 7:00 via Zoom

Next Meeting: December 8, 2020 (Budget Meeting) @ 7:00 PM Via Zoom



Call to Order: The November 17, 2020  Vestry meeting was called to order at  7:04  pm by the Rev. Annie Pierpoint Mertz.


Present: Jorge Castaneda, Cathy Cellini, Heather Healy, Charlie Kilbourne, Helen Kennedy- Lazar, Rev. Annie Pierpoint Mertz (Rector),  Kim Rodekohr (Junior Warden), Art Schipper (Interim Treasurer), David White, Betsy Zampa (Clerk), Giovanna Zampa (Youth Advisor).

Catherine Harrod, Leo Harrod and Donna Marshall (representing the Community Meal.)


Absent: Ken Nowinski, Yann Jouvenot Sells (Senior Warden)



Opening Prayer/Meditation – Charlie Kilbourne shared an opening meditation.


Community Meal Presentation – Donna Marshall reported that the addition of the Monday Community Meal has been a huge success thanks to the efforts of Catherine and Leo Harrod who are in charge of the Monday meal. Together, the Monday and Wednesday Community Meals feed 300.  Donations of bread and desserts from Farm & Flour and One House Bakery are a big help.  North Gate has donated a pop-up tent to help keep things dry while serving outdoors. 

Catherine Harrod reported that things are going well on Monday nights and that they are serving a cross section of the community (seniors, families, the unhoused, students.) She said there is a need for snack type items that don’t need cooking or refrigeration.

Donna requested that she be able to spend some money from the Community Meal’s “rainy day fund” to purchase more protein items and snack type items.  Art (Interim Treasurer) noted that the funds in the subordinate account aren’t for a rainy day, but are meant to be used.  The Vestry approved of spending the funds from the Community Meal subordinate account to buy what is needed.                     

Consent Calendar

Approval of the amended October Vestry Minutes – Motion made by Annie to approve the amended minutes of the October Vestry Meeting. Dave seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Monthly Treasurer’s report (October 2020 TR.pdf) – Motion made by Dave to approve the Monthly Treasurer’s report.  Helen seconded the motion.  Motion passed. 

Annie made a motion to delegate the decision about zeroing out some small subordinate to herself, Art and Yann at their upcoming finance meeting.  Helen seconded the motion.  Motion passed.


Rector’s Report


Update on Stewardship campaign – we will have a digital pledge card (and paper card for those who need them.  The Ingathering will be November 29. 


Lay Leadership changes – Lorraine Ndusha has moved away leaving the position of Altar Guild Director open.  Robin Silver has agreed to fill in until a replacement can be found.


Chris Ayles is stepping down in January  2021 from his position as Assistant Treasurer.


COVID-19 Outlook – We are in purple tier again.  Impact on our church is minimal. Community meal will continue.


Livestream Equipment Update

Annie made a motion to approve the bid by Jeremy Amendola.  Kim seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

2021 Vestry Candidates


Vestry Class of 2024 updates – Annie and Yann will follow up on candidates for vestry

Annie asked for the Vestry to be thinking about who we might ask to serve as delegates to the convention.


Next meeting is Dec 8 – Budget Meeting


Call for Adjournment and Closing Prayer


Motion to adjourn by Kim and seconded by Dave.  Annie closed in prayer.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.



Betsy Zampa, Clerk